An Entrepreneurial Academy Founded By And Built For Our Youth

Now enrolling students in Lexington and Lousiville, Ky.

Click to signup for an info session

What is the QollabAcademy?

An educational program that teaches high school aged kids how to work with a team of other young entrepreneurs to build a business... by actually doing it! 

Click to signup for an info session

The Sky Is The Limit

Our Mission

To give practical experience, tools, and resources to high school aged kids who have a strong desire to own their own business one day. 

Our Vision

To be recognized by the next generation of business leaders as a stepping stone that paved the way for their sustained success and helped them create wealth that can be passed down for generations. 

QollabAcademy Students Will Learn How To...


As the saying goes, "when you fail to plan, you plan to fail." This is true in business as well.


We want our students to be able to quickly identify good business opportunites and go after them. 


Students will learn basic money principles. We want our students to think about money the same way they think about a hammer. It's a tool. We want to teach them how to use it as such!


We want our students to learn foundational business principles so they can use those principles to work with other like minded entrepreneurs to build generational wealth. 

And much more...

Find out how we will be creating the economy of the future !

We will be doing live info sessions and webinars to share more of our vision and answer questions. Select a time that works best for you!

Click to select your info session time